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10 Games Like Persona

Discover 9 exhilarating games like Persona! Enjoy RPG-style gameplay, intriguing narratives, and an intense combat system. Relive the Persona thrill!

If you’re a fan of the brilliant Persona Series, brace yourself for this enticing revelation that will light up your gaming world. This article brings you an impressive collection of 10 games that share many similar elements with your loved Persona Series, promising to make your gaming adventure even more gripping.

From the thrilling Xenoblade Chronicles Series to the intriguing Tokyo Mirage Session FE, you’ll find games with identical features, such as a turn-based combat system, RPG-style gameplay, and the capability of creating bonds with characters, which makes these recommendations equally engaging.

From the story-driven open worlds like The Banner Saga to these games that allow you to summon ‘demons’ just like the Persona Series, each of these games share a part of the Persona charm, creating options as captivating as your popular favorite.

So, start this enthralling journey as you discover games that let you live the Persona thrills all over again.

1. Xenoblade Chronicles Series

xenoblade chronicles

Game release and available platforms

The Xenoblade Chronicles series, published by Nintendo, has been a beloved part of the JRPG genre since the first game’s release in 2010. The series has multiple installments available on platforms like the Nintendo Wii, New Nintendo 3DS, and the Nintendo Switch.

Genre and gameplay mechanics

As an action role-playing game, Xenoblade Chronicles provides a rich, immersive world with a strong emphasis on exploration. The gameplay mechanics feature active play rather than waiting turns, providing a faster-paced experience. The strategy comes in the form of character positioning and ability usage, adding a layer of tactical depth to every encounter.

Similarities with Persona

Persona and Xenoblade Chronicles share similar aspects in creating bonds with other characters. They’re also both story-driven, exploring themes of self-discovery and facing adversity. Though the combat might not be turn-based like in Persona, the attention to character development and narrative arcs present in both games is sure to appeal.

2. Catherine


Game release and available platforms

This unique puzzle platformer game titled Catherine was initially released by Atlus in 2011 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Later, an improved version, Catherine: Full Body, was developed for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Nintendo Switch.

Genre and gameplay mechanics

Catherine falls into a rather unique genre style. It melds together elements of puzzle-platform games with an interactive movie-style narrative. During gameplay, you’ll encounter puzzle stages where the main character must climb towers by quickly arranging blocks, all under the pressure of a time limit.

Similarities with Persona

While Catherine might not be an RPG, it shares a similar art style with Persona, having been developed by the same studio, Atlus. There is a common focus on interpersonal relationships and decision-based outcomes. Much like in Persona, your choices significantly impact the storyline in Catherine.

3. The Banner Saga

the banner saga

Game release and available platforms

The Banner Saga, released by Stoic Studio in 2014, is available on various platforms, including Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android systems.

Genre and gameplay mechanics

The Banner Saga is a tactical, strategy RPG featuring beautiful hand-drawn animations and a deeply engaging story. The gameplay involves managing a caravan and making strategic choices with challenging turn-based combat sequences.

Similarities with Persona

While The Banner Saga and Persona have quite different themes and art styles, they share the strategy and tactics involved in combat and the significance of decision-making that affects the storyline’s outcome. Additionally, both games put a spotlight on relationships among characters.

4. Bravely Default

bravely default

Game release and available platforms

Bravely Default was launched by Square Enix in 2012 for the Nintendo 3DS and has received several sequels.

Genre and gameplay mechanics

This is a traditional JRPG game that glorifies the role-playing elements along with an innovative Brave/Default system. This system provides players with new strategies during battles, enriching the gameplay experience.

Similarities with Persona

Though the story’s context differs from Persona’s, the fantasy world in Bravely Default contains several dark themes that Persona fans may recognize. There’s a strong focus on character development and interaction, just like in the Persona series.

5. I Am Setsuna

i am setsuna

Game release and available platforms

Developed by Tokyo RPG Factory and published by Square Enix, I Am Setsuna was initially released in 2016. It is available on platforms like PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows.

Genre and gameplay mechanics

The game features an active time battle system, where players can hold off their actions to accumulate charges, thereby dealing more damage. It inherits elements of old-school JRPGs while introducing its own unique mechanics.

Similarities with Persona

The game’s narrative, which takes you into the main character’s psyche, shares similarities with Persona. I Am Setsuna is also story-driven and offers a mix of combat with which fans of Persona could associate.

6. Octopath Traveler


Game release and available platforms

Octopath Traveler, an exclusive title from Square Enix, was released for Nintendo Switch in 2018 and later on Microsoft Windows.

Genre and gameplay mechanics

This game is a turn-based RPG, featuring eight different characters each with their unique story. The central mechanics revolve around command-based battles, with each character having unique “path” abilities in interactions outside combat.

Similarities with Persona

Like Persona, Octopath Traveler has a strong emphasis on individual character stories. Also, it utilizes a turn-based combat system, similar to Persona’s gameplay.

7. Final Fantasy XV

final fantasy xv

Game release and available platforms

Final Fantasy XV was released by Square Enix in 2016 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and later made available on Microsoft Windows.

Genre and gameplay mechanics

In this action RPG, you play as Prince Noctis, who, alongside his comrades, embarks on an epic journey. The gameplay mechanics feature real-time combat, mini-games, and even cooking.

Similarities with Persona

Though the combat styles are different, both games share a focus on character-driven narratives, immersive dialogue, and the importance of friendships within the storyline.

8. Tales Of Berseria

tales of berseria

Game release and available platforms

Tales of Berseria, developed by Bandai Namco Studios, was released in 2016. It’s available on platforms such as PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Microsoft Windows.

Genre and gameplay mechanics

In this action, RPG game players control one character in a party but can switch controls among characters. The game features a “gouge” system that allows players to interrupt enemy attacks.

Similarities with Persona

Persona fans might find solace in the dark and mature storyline of Tale of Berseria. Furthermore, it has character interactions and a story-driven approach which is beat similar to that of Persona.

9. Dragon Quest XI

dragon quest 11

Game release and available platforms

Dragon Quest XI was developed and published by Square Enix. Initially released in 2017 for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo 3DS, it is also available on Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows.

Genre and gameplay mechanics

Players engage with a turn-based combat system, exploring a beautifully animated world within this single-player RPG experience.

Similarities with Persona

From a gameplay mechanics perspective, Dragon Quest XI and Persona share notable similarities, such as the turn-based combat system. Furthermore, Dragon Quest XI also features a silent protagonist – a recurring theme in the Persona series.

10. Tokyo Mirage Session FE

tokyo mirage

Game release and available platforms

Tokyo Mirage Session FE was developed by Atlus and released in 2015 for the Wii U with an enhanced version, Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore, released for the Nintendo Switch in 2020.

Genre and gameplay mechanics

This JRPG combines elements of the Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei series. It features turn-based combat where the player’s party comprises teenagers who can join forces with friendly Mirages to fight enemies.

Similarities with Persona

Given that both games come from the same developer, the Persona influences in Tokyo Mirage Session FE are evident: the modern-day setting, the high school-age characters, and the scheme of joining forces with otherworldly beings.

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By Jupiter Hadley

Jupiter is an avid indie gaming journalist that covers lesser titles. She highlights thousands of game jams and independent games on YouTube. She judges several jams and events and oversees, a global game jam calendar.