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9 Games Like Returnal

Experience the thrill of games like Returnal! Discover our comprehensive list that delivers on the fast-paced combat, unique gameplay mechanics, and enchanting narratives you love.

If you’ve reveled in the thrills of the game Returnal with its unique blend of third-person shooting and roguelike elements and a sprinkle of horror, you might find yourself on the quest for other enthralling games with parallels. Fret not; your journey might just get a bit exciting with this compilation of 9 games that echo the enchanting spirit of Returnal.

From third-person roguelikes to RPGs to FPS games, each one of these has been picked keeping in mind the unique gameplay mechanics of Returnal that you’ve come to adore. So buckle up as we explore a realm of games that extend a similar experience yet offer their distinctive touches for riveting adventures awaiting you.

Returnal Overview

About the game

Returnal is a revolutionary game that has taken the gaming industry by storm with its innovative approach to combining third-person shooting and roguelike elements sprinkled with a touch of horror. Created by Housemarque, Returnal offers a unique playing experience unlike any other that leaves players thirsting for more even after the final boss fight.

Its fast-paced combat, multifaceted characters, and disconcerting narrative set in an alien world offer a remarkable fusion of science fiction, psychological thrill, and top-tier gaming.

Unique gameplay mechanics

Returnal defies mainstream gaming conventions with its exquisite blend of roguelike mechanics and third-person shooting. Its intense combat system is as demanding as it is gratifying, requiring real skill and strategy for success.

Furthermore, Returnal offers an extensive range of weapons and power-ups and incorporates a punishing mortality system, where each death propels you back to the beginning of the cycle, resetting your equipment but retaining certain aspects of progression.

Reception and success

Returnal’s thrilling gameplay, adrenaline-pumping action scenes, and mysterious plotlines have won it critical acclaim and massive commercial success.

From casual players to seasoned gaming veterans, Returnal has been lauded for its unique approach to marrying genres, elevated by its stunning graphical capabilities that offer players a truly immersive experience.

1. Alienation


Release date and platform availability

Launched on April 26, 2016, by Housemarque, Alienation is exclusively available on the PlayStation 4.

The game’s genre and unique features

Alienation is a compelling top-down shooter emphasizing looting and dungeon crawling. Its robust co-op mode amplifies the gaming experience, making the campaign worth every play. While not as ambitious as Returnal, Alienation delivers a healthy content volume.

Comparison with Returnal

Both games share their developer, Housemarque, making some of the core mechanics and quality of gameplay similar. Like Returnal, Alienation contains satisfying shooting action from a different, top-down perspective.

2. Hades


Release date and platform availability

Released on September 17, 2020, Hades is available on platforms including Nintendo Switch, macOS, Windows, and PlayStation 4.

The game’s genre and unique features

Hades is a rogue-like action dungeon crawler game packed with various gameplay styles and various tough enemies. Notable for its engaging story and fresh take on Greek mythology, it exhibits flexible difficulty settings to cater to different player preferences.

Comparison with Returnal

Returnal and Hades are praised for their engaging roguelike elements and in-depth narratives. However, Hades leans more towards dungeon-crawling and doesn’t include mitigated roguelike elements present in Returnal, such as progression carrying over between deaths.

3. Quantum League

quantum league

Release date and platform availability

The uniquely intriguing first-person shooter, Quantum League, was launched on May 26, 2020. It is available on Windows and Nintendo Switch.

The game’s genre and unique features

Quantum League stands out in the first-person shooter genre for its remarkable time-travel mechanic. It allows players to cooperate with their past selves to outsmart and conquer opponents.

Comparison with Returnal

While Quantum League and Returnal differ greatly in the narrative, both games offer a mind-bending mechanic where time plays a pivotal role in the game’s strategy and outcome.

4. Control


Release date and platform availability

Control was launched on August 27, 2019, and is available on multiple platforms, including Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

The game’s genre and unique features

Control is a riveting action-adventure game that combines supernatural elements and strategic combat. Coupling Jesse’s paranormal abilities with robust gunplay makes for a dynamic gaming experience.

Comparison with Returnal

Control and Returnal concentrate on their protagonist’s journey while encountering supernatural phenomena. Their third-person shooting mechanics and progression systems also contribute to their similarities.

5. Bioshock (Series)


Release date and platform availability

The Bioshock series, consisting of three well-regarded games, was released between 2007 and 2013 and can be played on various platforms, including Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

The game’s genre and unique features

The Bioshock series of games are first-person shooters layered with immersive RPG elements. They are lauded for their political undertones and enriched exploration of complex themes.

Comparison with Returnal

While Returnal and Bioshock diverge in plot and genre, both games seamlessly integrate shooting mechanics with narrative depth, effectively merging gameplay and storytelling.

6. Risk of Rain 2

risk of rain 2

Release date and platform availability

Released on August 11, 2020, Risk of Rain 2 is available on Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

The game’s genre and unique features

Risk of Rain 2 is a third-person roguelike that projects players onto an alien planet teeming with hostile forces across varied environments. It also supports multiplayer sessions, making it an engaging co-op experience.

Comparison with Returnal

Risk of Rain 2 shares roguelike elements and third-person shooting with Returnal. Both involve surviving against insurmountable odds in hostile and ever-changing alien terrains.

7. Mass Effect Legendary Edition

mass effect

Release date and platform availability

Mass Effect Legendary Edition, a compilation of the first three Mass Effect games, was released on May 14, 2021. It is available on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

The game’s genre and unique features

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is an exemplary space RPG that showcases player-choice moments. Its revamped visuals and gameplay enhancements make the trilogy feel new and modern.

Comparison with Returnal

While Mass Effect and Returnal vary greatly in the genre, their shared focus on intricate narratives that unfold through the player’s choices exhibits narrative-driven gameplay.

8. Alien: Isolation


Release date and platform availability

Alien: Isolation was launched on October 7, 2014. This survival horror game is available on platforms including Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

The game’s genre and unique features

Alien: Isolation is an immersive survival horror game set on an abandoned space station stalked by a fearsome alien predator. Its sophisticated AI system and balancing act between evasion and combat make it a thrilling horror experience.

Comparison with Returnal

Returnal and Alien: Isolation shares eerie, alien-infested settings and tense atmospheres. They both deliver an uncanny foreboding sense that keeps players on their toes.

9. Doom Eternal

Release date and platform availability

Doom Eternal was released on March 20, 2020. This first-person shooter can be experienced on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

The game’s genre and unique features

Doom Eternal is a high-octane and carnage-riddled first-person shooter. It amplifies the chaos and mayhem from its predecessor with new enemy types, weapons, and abilities.

Comparison with Returnal

While Doom Eternal lacks the roguelike elements of Returnal, both are thrilling sci-fi shooter games featuring fiercely hostile, alien-like opponents and fast-paced combat sequences.

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By Jupiter Hadley

Jupiter is an avid indie gaming journalist that covers lesser titles. She highlights thousands of game jams and independent games on YouTube. She judges several jams and events and oversees, a global game jam calendar.