Are you a Pokémon enthusiast looking to catch ’em all? Well, get ready to add some dark and mysterious creatures to your collection with our comprehensive list of all the black Pokémon from Generation I to Generation IX.
From the early days of Pokémon games to the latest releases, black Pokémon have always been an intriguing and diverse group, representing various types and abilities. Surprisingly, black Pokémon were absent in Generation I, but don’t worry; they more than makeup for it in subsequent generations. Whether you’re a fan of the eerie Banette, the electrifying Blitzle, or the majestic Mega Charizard X, this list covers you.
So, let’s explore the captivating world of black Pokémon and discover how to acquire these fascinating creatures in your Pokémon adventures.
Generation | Pokémon |
Generation 1 (Kanto) | Haunter, Gengar |
Generation 2 (Johto) | Umbreon, Murkrow, Sneasel, Houndoom, Houndour, Murkrow, Tyranitar |
Generation 3 (Hoenn) | Sableye, Absol, Sharpedo, Shiftry |
Generation 4 (Sinnoh) | Drifloon, Drifblim, Mismagius, Spiritomb, Darkrai |
Generation 5 (Unova) | Zoroark, Carracosta, Zekrom, Pawniard, Bisharp |
Generation 6 (Kalos) | Malamar, Pangoro, Yveltal, Inkay, Hoopa |
Generation 7 (Alola) | Alolan Rattata, Alolan Raticate, Alolan Meowth, Alolan Persian, Alolan Grimer, Alolan Muk, Marshadow, Guzzlord, Incineroar |
Generation 8 (Galar) | Thievul, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Runerigus, Cufant, Copperajah, Eternatus |
Generation I

Generation I Black Pokémon
In the first generation of Pokémon games, there were no specific black Pokémon. Generation I introduced a total of 151 Pokémon, but none of them were predominantly black in coloration. This generation focused on a diverse range of types, from fire and water to electric and psychic. However, black Pokémon seemed to be noticeably absent during this initial release.
Generation II

Generation II Black Pokémon
Moving on to the second generation of Pokémon games, we still don’t see a significant presence of black Pokémon. Generation II introduced 100 new Pokémon, expanding the total number of species to 251. However, black Pokémon remained relatively scarce. This generation continued to explore various types, like grass, bug, and steel, but the prominence of black-colored Pokémon was still yet to come.
Generation III
Generation III Black Pokémon
In the third generation of Pokémon games, we finally start to see some black Pokémon making their appearance. Generation III introduced 135 new Pokémon, bringing the total number of species to 386. This generation showcased the growing diversity of black Pokémon. Some notable black Pokémon from this generation include Banette and its evolved form Mega Banette. Banette is a ghost type Pokémon that can be caught in various locations throughout the game.
Generation IV
Generation IV Black Pokémon
The fourth generation of Pokémon games continued to expand the number of black-colored Pokémon. Generation IV introduced 107 new Pokémon, bringing the total number of species to 493. The inclusion of black Pokémon in this generation provided players with even more options for their teams.
Some notable black Pokémon from this generation include Blitzle, a black electric type Pokémon that can be found in the wild, and Shadow Rider Calyrex, a legendary black and purple Pokémon that plays a central role in the game’s storyline.
Generation V

Generation V Black Pokémon
Generation V of Pokémon games took the inclusion of black Pokémon to new heights. With 156 new Pokémon introduced, the total number of species skyrocketed to 649. This generation saw a significant increase in the variety and prominence of black-colored Pokémon.
Among them, Carkol stands out as a black and orange Pokémon that evolves from Rolycoly. Additionally, Chandelure, a black and purple ghost/fire type Pokémon, made its debut and quickly became a fan favorite.
Generation VI
Generation VI Black Pokémon
The sixth generation of Pokémon games continued to feature black Pokémon in its roster. With the introduction of 72 new Pokémon, the total number of species reached 721. Generation VI showcased a mix of black-colored Pokémon with various types and characteristics. Notable black Pokémon from this generation include the popular Mega Charizard X, a black fire/dragon type Pokémon that evolves from Charizard. It boasts impressive power and a striking black coloration.
Generation VII
Generation VII Black Pokémon
In the seventh generation of Pokémon games, black Pokémon continued to be a presence in the world of Pokémon. With the addition of 88 new Pokémon, the total number of species grew to 809. This generation introduced various black Pokémon with unique abilities and designs.
For example, Chatot, a black and white musical note-like Pokémon, gained attention for its unique voice-based moveset. Claydol, a black and green psychic/ground type Pokémon, also appeared in this generation.
Generation VIII
Generation VIII Black Pokémon
The eighth generation of Pokémon games brought more black Pokémon into the mix. With the addition of 89 new species, the total number of Pokémon reached a staggering 898.
Generation VIII introduced black Pokémon with diverse types and abilities. Coalossal, a black and orange rock/fire type Pokémon, stood out as a formidable addition. Additionally, players could encounter the elusive Legendary Pokémon Darkrai, a black and red dark type Pokémon known for its dark and mysterious aura.
Generation IX
Generation IX Black Pokémon
As of now, there is no official ninth generation of Pokémon games. However, fans eagerly speculate about the introduction of new Pokémon in future generations. It remains to be seen what kind of black Pokémon will be included and how they will contribute to the ever-evolving world of Pokémon.
Notable Black Pokémon
Banette is a ghost type Pokémon introduced in Generation III. It is predominantly black in color, with a zipper-like mouth and large, haunting eyes.
Banette is known for its mischievous nature and is believed to bring bad luck to those who possess the doll it was born from. It can be found in various locations throughout the Pokémon games.
Mega Banette
Mega Banette is the evolved form of Banette, which was introduced in Generation III. This Mega Evolution enhances Banette’s power and changes its appearance.
Mega Banette retains its black coloration but gains four additional floating, ghostly arms. It becomes even more vengeful and is a formidable opponent in battles.
Blitzle is an electric type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. It is a small, black, zebra-like Pokémon with white lightning bolt-like stripes on its body.
Blitzle is known for its speed and agility and can generate electricity from its mane. It can be found in the wild in various Pokémon games.
Shadow Rider Calyrex
Shadow Rider Calyrex is a legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII. It is a black and purple Pokémon with a majestic appearance. Shadow Rider Calyrex possesses psychic and ghost type abilities. This Pokémon plays a central role in the game’s storyline and is highly sought after by trainers.

Carkol is a rock/fire type Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII. It is a black and orange Pokémon resembling a minecart with burning coal. Carkol is known for its incredible strength and endurance. It evolves from Rolycoly and can be found in various locations throughout the Pokémon games.

Chandelure is a ghost/fire type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. It is a black and purple Pokémon resembling a chandelier. Chandelure is highly intelligent and possesses the ability to absorb the life force of others. This Pokémon is known for its powerful fire-based attacks and can be caught in various locations throughout the Pokémon games.
Mega Charizard X

Mega Charizard X is the Mega Evolution of Charizard, which was introduced in Generation I. This Mega Evolution transforms Charizard into a black fire/dragon type Pokémon.
Mega Charizard X gains increased power and a unique black coloration, making it an iconic and impressive addition to any trainer’s team.

Chatot is a normal/flying type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. It is a black and white Pokémon with a music note pattern on its belly. Chatot is known for its ability to mimic and repeat words and sounds.
This unique ability makes it a popular companion for musicians and trainers alike. Chatot can be found in various locations throughout the Pokémon games.

Claydol is a psychic/ground type Pokémon introduced in Generation III. It is a black and green Pokémon resembling a clay doll. Claydol possesses psychic powers and can levitate above the ground. This Pokémon is known for its stoic and calm nature. Claydol can be caught in various locations throughout the Pokémon games.

Coalossal is a rock/fire type Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII. It is a black and orange Pokémon resembling a giant coal furnace. Coalossal possesses immense strength and is capable of launching fiery rocks at its opponents. This Pokémon can be found in various locations throughout the Pokémon games.

Darkrai is a dark type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. It is a black and red Pokémon with a mysterious and eerie presence. Darkrai is known for its ability to induce vivid nightmares in those who sleep near it. This legendary Pokémon can only be obtained through special events or by transferring it from previous games.

Dusclops is a ghost type Pokémon introduced in Generation III. It is a black Pokémon resembling a haunted suit of armor with red eyes. Dusclops is known for its ability to create illusions and manipulate shadows. It evolves from Duskull and can be found in various locations throughout the Pokémon games.

Dusknoir is the evolved form of Dusclops, introduced in Generation IV. It retains its black coloration and gains a more menacing appearance. Dusknoir has the ability to absorb other Pokémon into its body through the darkness within its hands. This powerful ghost type Pokémon can be caught in various locations throughout the Pokémon games.

Duskull is a ghost type Pokémon introduced in Generation III. It is a small, black Pokémon resembling a floating skull with glowing red eyes. Duskull is known for its mischievous nature and is often encountered in dark, eerie places. It can be found in various locations throughout the Pokémon games.

Giratina is a legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. It is a black and silver Pokémon with a serpentine body and ghost/dragon type abilities. Giratina is known for its distorted and otherworldly appearance, living in the Reverse World.
This powerful Pokémon plays a significant role in the Pokémon lore and can be obtained through special events or by completing certain in-game tasks.
Gothita, Gothorita, Gothitelle

The Gothita evolution line consists of three Psychic type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. Gothita is a small, predominantly black Pokémon resembling a gothic Lolita fashion doll. It evolves into Gothorita, a larger black and purple Pokémon with a dress-like shape.
Finally, Gothorita evolves into Gothitelle, a tall and slender Pokémon with a distinct black and white design. These Pokémon are known for their psychic abilities and can be found in various locations throughout the Pokémon games.
Final Word
In conclusion, black Pokémon are a diverse group that represents various types and characteristics. While they were noticeably absent in the early generations of Pokémon games, subsequent generations introduced a growing number of black Pokémon. Each generation has brought unique and notable black Pokémon, offering trainers a wide range of options for their teams.
Whether it’s Banette, Mega Charizard X, or any of the other black Pokémon mentioned, these creatures add depth and excitement to the world of Pokémon. As the franchise continues to evolve and new generations are introduced, there is sure to be an abundance of exciting black Pokémon awaiting discovery.