
9 Must-Try Incredible Divinity Original Sin 2 Builds You Can’t Afford to Miss

In the vast universe of Divinity Original Sin 2 by Larian Studios, character builds are pivotal in shaping your gameplay experience. With many options at your disposal, how do you choose the right build?

Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the secrets behind the most potent builds and how they can elevate your game.

The Essence of Builds in Divinity Original Sin 2

The heart of Divinity Original Sin 2 lies in its intricate character builds. These aren’t just a mere combination of skills or abilities but a testament to a player’s strategy, foresight, and gameplay style.

Whether you’re harnessing the power of elemental affinity or maximizing your critical chance, every choice shapes your journey in the world of divinity.

1. Eternal Warrior – The Death Knight’s Might

The eternal warrior, often dubbed the death knight, is a beacon of strength in divinity original sin 2. With a focus on the necromancer skill tree, this build is a master of both offense and defense.

The bone cage ability, combined with challenge, boosts physical armor and deals significant physical damage. But what truly sets this build apart is its ability to harness the ground damage bonus, turning the battlefield into a weapon. Integrating skills like tentacle lash and bull horns further enhances its combat prowess.

The eternal warrior, often dubbed the death knight, is a beacon of strength in divinity original sin 2. With a focus on the necromancer skill tree, this build is a master of both offense and defense.

  • Key Skill Tree: Necromancer
  • Attributes: Strength, Intelligence
  • Special Mention: Bone Cage, Challenge

Player’s Insights:

  • Tactical retreat ensures swift movement across the battlefield.
  • The bone cage ability is especially potent in areas like Fort Joy, where the terrain can be used to the player’s advantage.
  • Pairing with warfare skills can lead to devastating combinations.

2. Blood Mage – The Art of Necromancy

The Blood Mage is a dance of strategy and power in the world of Divinity Original Sin 2. With an emphasis on intelligence, this build is a maestro of crowd control. The mosquito swarm ability, paired with elemental arrows, allows for various damage types, from poison damage to water damage.

But the true strength of the blood mage lies in its elemental affinity, allowing it to harness the power of the elements, be it through fiery explosions or poison-based spells. Integrating skills like vampiric hunger and spontaneous combustion further amplifies its damage output.

The Blood Mage is a dance of strategy and power in the world of Divinity Original Sin 2. With an emphasis on intelligence, this build is a maestro of crowd control. The mosquito swarm ability, paired with elemental arrows, allows for various damage types, from poison damage to water damage.

  • Key Skill Tree: Intelligence
  • Attributes: Critical Chance, Critical Multiplier
  • Special Mention: Mosquito Swarm, Skin Graft

Player’s Insights:

  • The Mosquito Swarm ability is a game-changer in areas with high concentrations of enemies.
  • Pairing with Pyrokinetic Skills can lead to fiery and poisonous combinations.
  • The Skin Graft spell, when used strategically, can be a lifesaver, especially when facing powerful foes.

3. Frost Paladin – The Guardian of Ice

The Frost Paladin is a testament to resilience and strategy in Divinity Original Sin 2. With a foundation in strength, this building is a fortress on the battlefield. The global cooling ability, combined with hail strike, not only deals with water damage but also lays the groundwork for crowd control.

But the true essence of the frost paladin lies in its tactical retreat ability, allowing it to navigate the battlefield with finesse and strategy. Integrating skills like blitz attack and parry master further enhances its combat capabilities.

The Frost Paladin is a testament to resilience and strategy in Divinity Original Sin 2. With a foundation of strength, this building is a fortress on the battlefield. The global cooling ability, combined with hail strike, not only deals with water damage but also lays the groundwork for crowd control.

  • Key Skill Tree: Strength
  • Attributes: Physical Armor, Water Damage
  • Special Mention: Global Cooling, Hail Strike

Player’s Insights:

  • The Global Cooling ability is incredibly potent against enemies susceptible to Water Damage.
  • In areas like Reaper’s Coast, the Frost Paladin’s abilities shine, controlling large groups of adversaries.
  • Pairing with Healing Skills ensures the Paladin remains a bulwark on the battlefield.

4. Duelist – The Dance of Blades

The Duelist is agility incarnate in the world of Divinity Original Sin 2. With a foundation in finesse and wits, this build is a whirlwind on the battlefield. Dual-wielded daggers become an extension of the duelist, each strike dealing physical damage with a high critical chance.

The pin down ability and scoundrel skills ensure that adversaries are always on their toes. But what truly sets the duelist apart is its mastery of the parry master talent, turning defense into offense. Integrating skills like chicken claw and deflective barrier further amplifies its agility.

With the right chest armor and magic armor, the duelist becomes a dance of precision, making it a favorite among players who prefer agility and precision.

  • Key Skill Tree: Finesse, Wits
  • Attributes: Dodge Chance, Parry Master
  • Special Mention: Dual-Wielded Daggers, Pin Down

Player’s Insights:

  • The Pin Down ability is a favorite, especially when dealing with agile foes.
  • In areas with tight spaces, the Duelist’s agility comes to the fore, allowing for quick strikes and retreats.
  • Pairing with Rogue-Like Abilities can lead to devastating backstabs and surprise attacks.

5. Stormchaser – The Tempest Unleashed

The Stormchaser is a force of nature in Divinity Original Sin 2. With a deep understanding of the Intelligence skill tree, this build harnesses the power of the elements.

The Aerotheurge ability and erratic wisp allow the Stormchaser to deal elemental damage while evading adversaries. But the true power of the Stormchaser lies in its elemental spells, each one a testament to its mastery over the elements.

Integrating skills like corpse explosion and bull horns further enhances its elemental prowess. With the right intelligence-based armor and magic armor, the Stormchaser becomes an elemental maestro, making it a favorite among players who prefer elemental mastery and strategy.

  • Key Skill Tree: Intelligence
  • Attributes: Elemental Damage, Elemental Affinity
  • Special Mention: Aerotheurge, Erratic Wisp

Player’s Insights:

  • The Erratic Wisp ability is a wildcard, often unexpectedly turning the tide of battle.
  • The Stormchaser’s abilities can be amplified in areas with water bodies, leading to massive Elemental Damage.
  • Pairing with Pyrokinetic Skills can lead to a storm of fire and lightning, overwhelming foes.

6. Juggernaut – The Unyielding Colossus

The Juggernaut is a beacon of strength and endurance in Divinity Original Sin 2. With a solid foundation in strength, this build is an unyielding force on the battlefield. Combined with warfare abilities, the geomancer skill tree allows the juggernaut to deal mixed damage, leaving adversaries struggling to find a defense.

But the true strength of the Juggernaut lies in its polymorph abilities, turning the very battlefield into a weapon. Skills like tentacle lash and bull horns further enhance its combat capabilities. The integration of heavy armor ensures that the juggernaut remains impervious to most attacks.

With the right chest armor and living armor, the juggernaut becomes an unstoppable force, making it a favorite among players who prefer a combination of brute strength and tactical gameplay.

  • Key Skill Tree: Strength
  • Attributes: Physical Damage, Heavy Armor
  • Special Mention: Geomancer, Deflective Barrier

Player’s Insights:

  • The Deflective Barrier ability is a favorite, especially when facing ranged enemies.
  • The Juggernaut’s Heavy Armor ensures it remains standing in areas with multiple damage types.
  • Pairing with Warfare Abilities can lead to powerful attacks, breaking through enemy defenses.

7. Elusive Enchanter – The Maestro of Manipulation

The Elusive Enchanter is a dance of strategy and power in the world of Divinity Original Sin 2. With a deep understanding of the intelligence skill tree, this build is a puppet master on the battlefield. The rain ability, combined with electric discharge, lays the groundwork for crowd control and deals significant water damage.

But the essence of the elusive enchanter lies in its mastery over terrifying spells, ensuring adversaries are always at a disadvantage. Skills like hail strike and chicken claw further amplify its crowd control capabilities. The integration of magic armor ensures that the enchanter remains protected from negative status effects.

The Elusive Enchanter is a dance of strategy and power in the world of Divinity Original Sin 2. With a deep understanding of the intelligence skill tree, this build is a puppet master on the battlefield. The rain ability, combined with electric discharge, lays the groundwork for crowd control and deals significant water damage.

  • Key Skill Tree: Intelligence
  • Attributes: Crowd Control, Elemental Spells
  • Special Mention: Rain, Electric Discharge

Player’s Insights:

  • The Rain ability is especially potent in areas like Fort Joy, turning the terrain into a weapon.
  • Pairing with Scoundrel Skills can lead to unexpected combinations, catching enemies off-guard.
  • The Electric Discharge spell, when timed correctly, can incapacitate multiple foes, giving the player a strategic advantage.

8. Tectonic Sage: Unleashing Earth’s Fury

In the Divinity Original Sin 2 realm, the Tectonic Sage embodies Earth’s might. With a focus on harnessing the power of geomancer skills, this build wields seismic forces to reshape the battlefield.

Attributes are strategically balanced to amplify physical armor and strength, ensuring a stalwart presence amidst chaos. The Tectonic Sage boasts the unique ability to manipulate terrain, conjuring treacherous earthquakes and entangling foes in deadly vines.

In the Divinity Original Sin 2 realm, the Tectonic Sage embodies Earth’s might. With a focus on harnessing the power of geomancer skills, this build wields seismic forces to reshape the battlefield.

  • Key Skill Tree: Geomancer
  • Attributes: Physical Armor, Strength
  • Special Mention: Earthquake, Impalement

Player’s Insights:

  • Embrace the earth’s terrain to your advantage, altering the battlefield to trap foes and control engagements.
  • Combine Earthquake with other AoE (Area of Effect) spells for devastating area control and damage.
  • Leverage Impalement to immobilize enemies, rendering them vulnerable to your team’s onslaught.

9. Magick Archer: Dance of Elemental Precision

In the symphony of Divinity Original Sin 2 builds, the Magick Archer conducts a mesmerizing dance of elemental precision. This build seamlessly blends ranged combat with mystical prowess by intertwining Huntsman skills with elemental magic.

Finesse and intelligence stand as primary attributes, enhancing both bow damage and spellcasting efficiency. The Magick Archer’s ethereal arrows embody the essence of elements, inflicting a spectrum of damage types, from piercing arrows of air to fiery bolts of flame.

The synergy between skills like elemental arrows and arrow storm forms the backbone of this build, bestowing unparalleled versatility to adapt to any scenario. As you draw your bowstring and release enchanted arrows, enemies fall before the balletic display of your power.

  • Key Skill Tree: Huntsman
  • Attributes: Finesse, Intelligence
  • Special Mention: Elemental Arrows, Arrow Storm

Player’s Insights:

  • Experiment with various Elemental Arrows to exploit enemy weaknesses and tailor your approach.
  • Combine Arrow Storm with status-inflicting arrows for widespread havoc and control.
  • Leverage high ground advantage to amplify both bow damage and spell effectiveness.

The Role of Armor in Builds

Armor in Divinity Original Sin 2 is more than just a protective layer; it’s a statement of intent. The Juggernaut, with its heavy armor, isn’t just showcasing its resilience but declaring its intent to be the frontline, absorbing blows and protecting allies.

On the other hand, the intelligence-based armor of the Blood Mage is a testament to its dual role – a protector and a caster. 

Armor enhances attributes, turning vulnerabilities into strengths. It’s the difference between a mage being interrupted during a spell and successfully casting it. It’s the shield that ensures the warrior can continue fighting.

In the vast world of Divinity Original Sin 2, where every decision can lead to victory or defeat, choosing the right armor isn’t just crucial; it’s imperative.

Conclusion – The Symphony of Divinity Original Sin 2 Builds

After an epic journey through the intricate tapestry of Divinity Original Sin 2’s interwoven narratives and deep systems, it’s clear that your choices shape a unique adventure.

Whether wielding icy magic as a Paladin, unleashing storms as a Stormchaser, or discovering countless other builds, you’ve woven your vision into this world.

By diving deep into ability synergies and experimenting often, you’ve brought distinct combat dynamics to life. With so many possibilities, it was easy to be overwhelmed at first.

But by focusing on your character vision and remaining open to new discoveries, you’ve mastered this deep RPG and made it your own.

As the credits roll on your heroic tale, you can look back with satisfaction at the intricate weave you’ve crafted. Through investment in Divinity’s nuances, each thread and choice spirals together into a breathtaking tapestry that could only have been woven by your hands. You’ve created a true masterpiece.


What role does Tactical Retreat play in Divinity Original Sin 2 builds?

Tactical Retreat is pivotal for strategic positioning, ensuring players always have a tactical advantage in battle.

How does Crowd Control shape the flow of combat in Divinity Original Sin 2?

Crowd Control dictates the pace of battle, ensuring adversaries are always at a disadvantage, allowing players to strategize and dictate the flow of combat.

Why is choosing the right armor essential in Divinity Original Sin 2 builds?

Armor not only provides protection but also enhances specific attributes of a build, ensuring optimal performance in battle.

How do Elemental Affinities impact the effectiveness of a build?

Elemental Affinities allow players to reduce the Action Point cost of spells if they stand on a surface that matches the spell’s element. This can significantly enhance the efficiency of casting multiple spells in a single turn, making it a strategic choice for many builds.

What’s the significance of the Glass Cannon talent in Divinity Original Sin 2 builds?

The Glass Cannon talent allows players to start every combat round with maximum Action Points, but at the cost of reduced defenses. It’s a high-risk, high-reward choice, ideal for players who prioritize offense over defense.

How do Warfare Skills influence physical damage builds?

Warfare Skills amplify physical damage, making them essential for builds focusing on melee or ranged physical attacks. Skills like “Battering Ram” or “Crippling Blow” can also provide crowd control, adding versatility to the build.

What role do Polymorph Abilities play in character customization?

Polymorph Abilities offer a unique blend of skills that can transform the player or enemies, providing flexibility in combat. Abilities like “Tentacle Lash” or “Chicken Claw” can be game-changers in tight situations.

How does the Lone Wolf talent affect gameplay in Divinity Original Sin 2?

The Lone Wolf talent is designed for players who prefer to play with a smaller party. It doubles the player’s base attributes and grants extra combat abilities, making it a powerful choice for solo or duo gameplay.

How do players maximize Critical Damage in their builds?

Maximizing Critical Damage involves a combination of gear, skills, and talents. Players often focus on increasing their Critical Chance through attributes and gear, and then amplify the damage using skills and talents like “Savage Sortilege” which allows spells to critically hit.

Why is Fort Joy considered a pivotal point for character builds?

Fort Joy is the game’s initial major area, and decisions made here can shape the character’s progression. It’s where players get a real sense of their build’s strengths and weaknesses, allowing for early adjustments and refinements.

How do players effectively use Special Arrows in their builds?

Special Arrows, like Elemental Arrows, provide archer builds with versatility in combat. Players often stock up on various arrow types to counter different enemies, ensuring they always have the upper hand.

What’s the importance of Negative Status Effects in combat strategy?

Inflicting Negative Status Effects, like “Burning” or “Frozen”, can hinder enemies, reducing their combat efficiency. Builds that focus on these effects can control the battlefield, making encounters more manageable.

Why are Pyrokinetic Skills popular among mage builds?

Pyrokinetic Skills offer a range of fiery spells that deal substantial damage. They’re popular because they can target multiple enemies and often leave areas of burning ground, dealing damage over time.

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By Jupiter Hadley

Jupiter is an avid indie gaming journalist that covers lesser titles. She highlights thousands of game jams and independent games on YouTube. She judges several jams and events and oversees, a global game jam calendar.