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8 Games Like Papers Please

Discover 8 captivating games similar to the hit game Papers, Please. Engage in decision-making and time management in games like Do Not Feed The Monkeys and Return Of The Obra Dinn. Explore unique gameplay mechanics and immersive storytelling.

If you loved the hit game Papers, Please, and find yourself craving more immersive experiences that allow you to make impactful choices and test your organizational skills, look no further. We’ve compiled a list of 8 captivating games that are sure to scratch that itch for decision-making and time management.

From Do Not Feed The Monkeys to Field Hospital: Dr. Taylor’s Story, each game offers a unique story and gameplay mechanics to keep you engaged and craving more. So grab your passport and sit back as we take you through a world of captivating games similar to Papers, Please.

Papers, Please: A Brief Intro

Papers, Please is a hit game from 2013 that has captivated players with its unique gameplay mechanics and thought-provoking storytelling. In this game, you take on the role of an immigration officer in the fictional country of Arstotzka. Your job is to carefully inspect documents and make important decisions regarding who can enter or deny entry into the country.

The game incorporates elements of choice, time management, and organization tactics, creating a challenging and immersive experience for players. Papers, Please became highly successful due to its ability to engage players on multiple levels.

The game presents an intriguing dystopian world with political unrest and moral dilemmas that force players to question their own values and beliefs. The choices players make in the game have consequences, which adds a layer of realism and depth to the experience.

Moreover, the time management aspect of the game creates a sense of urgency and pressure, ensuring that players are constantly on their toes. These factors and the captivating storytelling and immersive gameplay contribute to the game’s success and popularity.

Games Like Papers Please

If you’re a fan of Papers, Please, and are craving more games that offer similar gameplay mechanics and engaging storytelling, then look no further. We have compiled a list of games that will scratch that itch and provide you with hours of immersive gameplay and thought-provoking narratives. So, let’s dive into the world of games like Papers, Please.

1. Do Not Feed The Monkeys

do not feed the monkeys

Released in 2018, Do Not Feed The Monkeys is a unique voyeuristic simulation game that shares similarities with Papers, Please. In this game, you take on the role of a secret society member who monitors unsuspecting individuals through surveillance cameras. Your objective is to carefully observe their lives without interfering.

This game combines strategy, observation, and resource management elements, challenging players to make tough decisions that can have far-reaching consequences. Available on PC and Nintendo Switch, Do Not Feed The Monkeys offers an intriguing storyline and gameplay mechanics that will keep you hooked.

2. Return Of The Obra Dinn

return of the obra

If you enjoy unraveling mysteries and exploring intricate narratives, then Return Of The Obra Dinn is a game you should definitely check out. Developed by Lucas Pope, the same mind behind Papers, Please, this game was released in 2018. Set in the early 19th century, you play as an insurance investigator tasked with solving the mystery of the disappearance of the Obra Dinn. This ghost ship reappears after being lost at sea.

The game features a unique monochromatic visual style and requires players to carefully analyze clues and piece together the story behind each crew member’s fate. With its captivating storytelling and detective-like gameplay, Return Of The Obra Dinn is a must-play for fans of Papers, Please. It is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

3. Not Tonight

not tonight

Released in 2018, Not Tonight presents players with a dystopian future where Britain has left the European Union. You play as a bouncer who must verify the documents of people entering various establishments and decide whether to let them in or refuse entry.

The game incorporates mechanics of choice, time management, and decision-making, similar to Papers, Please. As you navigate the political landscape, your choices determine the fate of characters and influence the overall narrative. Available on PC, Not Tonight offers an immersive storyline and gameplay that will keep you engaged from start to finish.

4. Ministry Of Broadcast

ministry of broadcast

If you’re a fan of platformer games and enjoyed the mechanics of Papers, Please, then Ministry Of Broadcast is the perfect game for you. Released in 2020, this game combines platforming elements with puzzle-solving and decision-making. Set in a totalitarian dystopia, you play as a contestant in a reality show where your goal is to escape the confines of the Ministry of Broadcast.

Along the way, you’ll encounter various obstacles and make choices that ultimately determine your fate. With its dark humor, challenging gameplay, and intriguing storyline, Ministry Of Broadcast is a game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

5. No Umbrellas Allowed

no umbrellas allowed

No Umbrellas Allowed, released in 2021, is a game that takes inspiration from Papers, Please while offering its own unique twist. In this game, set in a dystopian city, you play as a bouncer who must manage entry into a nightclub. You must carefully inspect the documents of clubgoers and make decisions based on various factors, such as their appearance, behavior, and the information provided.

The game incorporates elements of choice, time management, and decision-making, allowing you to shape the story based on your actions. Available on PC, No Umbrellas Allowed offers an immersive experience that will challenge judgment and decision-making skills.

6. Death And Taxes

death and taxes

If you enjoyed the unique mechanics of Papers, Please, and are fascinated with the afterlife, then Death And Taxes is a game you shouldn’t miss. Released in 2020, this game puts you in the shoes of Death’s assistant, where you are tasked with deciding who lives and dies. With a job that carries great responsibility, you must carefully analyze various factors and make choices that impact the lives of others.

The game combines choice, time management, and decision-making elements, creating an engrossing and thought-provoking experience. Available on PC, Death And Taxes offers a captivating storyline and gameplay that will keep you engaged throughout.

7. Interrogation: You Will be Deceived


If you’re seeking a game that explores the intricacies of interrogations and psychological manipulation, then Interrogation: You Will be Deceived is a game you should definitely try. Released in 2019, this game puts you as a detective who must extract information from suspects through various interrogation techniques. You must carefully analyze responses, use psychological tactics, and make crucial decisions to uncover the truth.

Like Papers, Please, this game incorporates choice, time management, and decision-making elements, ensuring a captivating and immersive experience for players. Available on PC, Interrogation: You Will be Deceived offers a unique gameplay experience that will test your detective skills and moral judgment.

8. Field Hospital: Dr. Taylor’s Story

field hospital

Field Hospital: Dr. Taylor’s Story is a game that successfully blends strategy, management, and storytelling elements. Developed by Bite the Bullet Games, this game was released in 2020 and focuses on the challenging task of running a field hospital during a war. As Dr. Taylor, you’ll face difficult decisions that impact the lives of your patients, just like the choices presented in Papers, Please.

The game offers a gripping narrative and engaging gameplay and touches on themes of morality and ethics. Field Hospital: Dr. Taylor’s Story is a must-play if you’re looking for a game that combines strategy and storytelling. It is available on PC, Mac, and Linux platforms.

In conclusion, if you enjoyed Papers’ unique gameplay mechanics and immersive storytelling, Please, you’ll undoubtedly enjoy playing the abovementioned games. Each game offers its own twist on the elements that made Papers, Please successful, be it the choice-driven narratives, time management mechanics, or decision-making gameplay.

So, dive into these games’ captivating worlds and prepare to be enthralled by their thought-provoking stories and engaging gameplay.

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By Jupiter Hadley

Jupiter is an avid indie gaming journalist that covers lesser titles. She highlights thousands of game jams and independent games on YouTube. She judges several jams and events and oversees, a global game jam calendar.