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8 Games Like Tales Series

Explore a selection of games inspired by the enchanting Tales series, spotlighting titles that echo its style, riveting plotlines, and vibrant characters. Seeing the world through the lens of a Tales lover, plunge yourself into these immersive universes and relive the thrill of engaging JRPG narratives.

Drawing inspiration from the imaginative world of the highly celebrated Tales series, this article guides you through an adventure-filled pathway of 8 games reminiscent of the enchanting Tales of Berseria. As an avid player, you might be on a constant quest for similar experiences, seeking to lose yourself in the engaging narratives, riveting plotlines, and vibrant characters often characteristic of JRPGs like Tales.

This exploration presents a selection of varied games that echo the style and essence of Tales, satisfying your gaming appetite and hopefully taking you on journeys as compelling and enthralling as the one you’ve journeyed through in Tales of Berseria.

Engage with these handpicked choices, immerse yourself in novel universes, and relive the thrill of dynamic storytelling, striking visuals, and captivating gameplay while drawing parallels with your favorite Tales series.

Overview of Tales Series

The Tales series, developed by Bandai Namco, is a popular role-playing game (RPG) genre franchise. It is known for its unique real-time combat systems, rich narratives, and complex character development. Since its initial release in 1995, the series has delivered numerous titles renowned for their immersive gameplay mechanics and engaging storytelling.

Each game within the series is a standalone story, enabling new and returning players to jump into any title without fear of missing out on crucial plot points. The creation of the Tales series has left a lasting impact on the gaming world, influencing numerous other titles in the RPG genre.

Brief History of Tales Series

First released in 1995 with ‘Tales of Phantasia,’ the Tales series marked its inception into the world of role-playing video games. Over the years, it has become a beloved franchise with over 15 main titles and several spin-off games.

Known for its distinctive ‘Linear Motion Battle System,’ the series adds an action-packed spin to traditional RPG combat, enabling real-time battles with a unique blend of strategy and quick reflexes.

Key features of Tales Series gameplay

The Tales series is known for its innovative ‘Linear Motion Battle System,’ a distinctive feature that sets this series apart from many others in the RPG world. This combat system combines typical RPG elements with real-time strategy and action, making every battle an engaging and dynamic experience.

Characters in the Tales series are often vividly explored, with each game delving into their individual backgrounds, motivations, and personal growth, which are deeply intertwined with the overarching narrative.

Notable titles within the Tales Series

Prominent games in the series include ‘Tales of Symphonia,’ ‘Tales of Vesperia,’ and ‘Tales of Berseria’, each with unique themes and characters that push the series’ intricate storytelling to new heights. For example, ‘Tales of Symphonia’ explores racism and discrimination.

In contrast, ‘Tales of Vesperia’ shines with its nuanced take on the classic ‘hero’ trope, and ‘Tales of Berseria’ mesmerizes its audience with a dark and morally grey narrative.

How Tales Series has influenced other games

The Tales series has greatly influenced the broader RPG genre, introducing real-time action combat systems that many other games have attempted to emulate. Its combination of deep character development, linear motion combat, and complex narratives is reflected in numerous other titles, highlighting its profound impact in shaping the genre.

1. Dragon Quest XI

dragon quest 11

Year of release and platforms available

Dragon Quest XI was released in 2017 and is available to play on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Main Highlights: Gameplay mechanics, visuals and narratives

Dragon Quest XI combines classic and modern JRPG elements, enabling a fresh take on a familiar genre. Its vibrant visuals and unique and endearing characters provide a captivating gaming experience. The narrative is voiced through distinct strengths, compelling you to invest in the characters’ journeys.

Similarities with Tales Series – Characters, storyline, and combat system

Much like the Tales series, Dragon Quest XI features a captivating mix of characters with varying motivations and moral compasses. Despite the disparity, the combat system is turn-based, focusing on strategy and character abilities, reminiscent of the Tales series.

2. Final Fantasy XV

final fantasy xv

Year of release and platforms available

Final Fantasy XV was initially released 2016 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and later made to PC in 2018.

Distinct Features: Rich gameplay, combat style, and intricate storyline

The game is known for its action-filled combat and a deep storyline revolving around the journey of Prince Noctis and his friends.

Similarities with Tales Series – Journey approach to storytelling, fantasy landscape, and JRPG elements

Final Fantasy XV shares substantial similarities with the Tales series, from its journey-based narrative to its fantastical landscape filled with daunting and stunning locales. Its blend of action and strategy in battle, multifaceted characters, and epic storylines resonate with the typical conventions of the Tales series.

3. Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout

atelier ryza

Year of release and platforms available

Atelier Ryza was released in 2019, available to play on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Unique elements: JRPG norms, visuals, and group dynamic, focused narrative

Atelier Ryza revolves around a group of friends navigating the cusp of adulthood while grappling with self-discovery. Also, it features a unique alchemy system, presenting another component to its compelling gameplay mechanics.

Similarities with Tales Series – Exploration of adult themes, combat, and gameplay systems

Its exploration of mature themes focuses on the group dynamics of the main characters, and the parallel in its combat system draws a distinct comparison with the Tales series.

4. Scarlet Nexus

scarlet nexus

Year of release and platforms available

Scarlet Nexus was released in 2021 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Key attributes: Deep story mechanism, action-based combat system

Developed by some of the Tales team members, Scarlet Nexus ushers its players into a richly written world filled with riveting combat and intricate narratives.

Similarities with Tales Series – Developed by Tales team, variety of characters and narrative complexity

Its engaging character development, complex storyline, and action-packed combat are highly reminiscent of the Tales series, stemming from the shared development team and their commitment to creating immersive and adventure-filled gaming experiences.

5. Nier Replicant Ver 1.22

nier replicant

Year of release and platforms available

Nier Replicant Ver 1.22 was released in 2021 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Main strengths: Intricate character development and bleak world setting

In Nier Replicant, the players dive into a bleak world filled with intricate characters and high personal stakes, focusing on a narrative that explores the lengths one would go to save a loved one.

Similarities with Tales Series – Grey characters, intense personal stakes, and action RPG gameplay

Like the Tales series, Nier Replicant thrives on its cast of morally complex characters and explores intense personal narratives. The blend of action and RPG elements in its gameplay also mirrors the core mechanics found within the Tales series.

6. Trials Of Mana

trials of mana

Year of release and platforms available

Trials Of Mana was released in 2020 for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Defining elements: Remake of the classic game, character prologues, ‘real-time’ combat

Trials of Mana, a remake of the classic 1995 game, brings traditional JRPG elements with a twist of real-time combat and character-specific narratives.

Similarities with Tales Series – Major JRPG attributes, multiple character narratives

From sharing similar JRPG attributes to narratives focusing on individual characters, Trials of Mana upholds many familiar traits found in the Tales series.

7. Xenoblade Chronicles Series

xenoblade chronicles

Year of release and platforms available

The first Xenoblade Chronicles game was released in 2010, and the series is available on the Nintendo Wii, New Nintendo 3DS, and Nintendo Switch.

Key attributes: Open-world setting, diverse characters, rich lore

Xenoblade Chronicles offers a deep dive into science fiction fantasy themes, with diverse characters and a wealth of lore in an open-world setting.

Similarities with Tales Series – Science fiction fantasy themes, worldbuilding techniques

The narrative depth, character variety, and world-building techniques in the Xenoblade Chronicles series recall the characteristic storytelling approach seen in the Tales series.

8. Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

ni no kuni 2

Year of release and platforms available

Released in 2018, Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is available on PlayStation 4 and PC.

Key features: Kingdom building, large open world, extensive main/side content

Ni No Kuni II is known for its unique blend of kingdom-building mechanics with a vast open world and abundant main and side content. Its immersiveness is further enhanced by an artistic style that feels like stepping into a living painting.

Similarities with Tales Series – Epic journey narrative, rich JRPG elements, artistic style

With its epic journey narrative and rich JRPG attributes, Ni No Kuni II aligns with many key elements found within the Tales series. The artistic style, range of characters, and intricate plot make it a suitable game for any Tales series enthusiast.


A brief recap of games discussed

This article discussed the Tales series’ unique features and its influence on a range of games such as Dragon Quest XI, Final Fantasy XV, Atelier Ryza, Scarlet Nexus, Nier Replicant Ver 1.22, Trials Of Mana, Xenoblade Chronicles Series, and Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. It examined these games’ highlights and unique elements and how they relate to the Tales series.

Final thoughts about the influence of Tales Series on these games

The Tales series has played a pivotal role in shaping the RPG genre, influencing gameplay mechanics and narrative structures. Its intricate storytelling, unique combat system, and vivid character development have inspired numerous games. It stands as a testament to the series’ quality and appeal that it continues to inspire various games across genres.

Recommendations for players who enjoy Tales Series

For players who have appreciated the immersive world, dynamic gameplay, and rich characters found in the Tales series, exploring the games discussed in this article could offer a similar yet fresh gaming experience. Each game, while holding its unique charms, encapsulates some aspect of the Tales formula that gamers have come to love. The adventure awaits, so dive in and explore these captivating worlds and narratives!

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By Jupiter Hadley

Jupiter is an avid indie gaming journalist that covers lesser titles. She highlights thousands of game jams and independent games on YouTube. She judges several jams and events and oversees, a global game jam calendar.